Frequently Asked Questions
About the Books
Are the pages of the colouring book single-sided or double-sided?
The Data Centre Pop Art colouring books are single-sided to prevent bleed through.
What type of paper are the colouring books printed on?
The type of paper used for printing depends on the printing partner Amazon collaborates with, which may vary based on your location.
On Colouring
What should I use to colour the book?
You can use crayons, coloured pencils, pens, or markers. Feel free to test your materials on a spare page first. If you’re using markers, be sure to place an extra sheet or two of paper underneath to prevent bleed-through. Happy colouring!
What markers do you use?
I use alcohol-based markers with dual tips. One side has a fine brush and the other is a chisel tip.
What is the difference between alcohol and water markers?
Typically alcohol-based markers leave smoother strokes that blend into each layer of colour applied. With water-based markers, you can clearly see each stroke applied. Hope this helps.
Amazon Purchases
Help! I have an issue with a book I purchased on Amazon.
For any concerns regarding your purchase, please contact Amazon directly. You can use the “Return or Replace Items” button under your orders.
If you’d like to share the issue with us first, feel free to email: